Ear Surgery Procedure

Dr. Weinberg usually performs ear surgery at our surgery center with the patient under a general anesthetic. If desired, it is also possible to have the surgery in hospital, as Dr. Weinberg is currently the Chief of Plastic Surgery at Trillium Health Partners and was Division Head of Plastic Surgery at Trillium Health Centre for more than 15 years. Otoplasty may be performed under local anesthetic in select adults. The procedure usually takes between 1 to 2 hours. While the ears are naturally not completely symmetric, be assured that Dr. Weinberg will attain the closest approximation of symmetry as he can. As with all surgical procedures, there are possible complications that can occur with ear surgery. Potential complications specific to your surgery will be discussed in detail at your consultation. For a discussion of general risks of surgery, review Dr. Weinberg’s Your First Visit page.

Dr. Michael Weinberg

Dr. Michael J. Weinberg


As an experienced, Royal-College certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Weinberg is devoted to helping patients reach their cosmetic goals. For over 25 years, he has built a reputation as one of the best plastic surgeons in Mississauga through expertise, experience, and dedication to his patients.

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Ear Surgery Cost in Mississauga & Toronto

Ear surgery is an insured benefit (covered by OHIP) up to the age of 18. In children, the procedure is rarely performed with other plastic surgery procedures, but adults may choose to have other facial enhancement procedures including a forehead lift or nose surgery performed at the time of their otoplasty.

After Your Procedure

After the surgery, patients wear a large bandage around the head to protect the area for 2 to 3 weeks as directed. A head band is then worn for 6 weeks to protect the repair during sleep. While patient experiences vary, our otoplasty patients can usually return to work or school in 5 to 7 days as long as they can continue to wear the bandage. Strenuous activities or contact sports can be resumed in approximately 1 to 2 months. The results are usually long lasting.

Dr. Weinberg will discuss and answer questions about specific possible side effects and complications in detail during your consultation.

Request Your Consultation

To learn more about ear surgery, call our office at (905) 273-3045 (Mississauga) or (416) 207-9090 (Toronto) or request an appointment online. Dr. Weinberg looks forward to meeting with you and helping you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Dr. Weinberg does not endorse or lend his name to any specific product, medication, or device. The information on this page is meant to familiarize prospective patients with some of the commonly available treatments/products and devices in use for specific issues and is intended for general educational purposes only. Decisions regarding treatments in a specific patient must be made in the context of a medical consultation.

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