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Breast Reconstruction
 Before & After Photos


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Breast Reconstruction Procedure

To perform your breast reconstruction surgery, there are 2 main methods employed which include:

Autologous Method: A new breast is fashioned from your own tissue, usually from the abdominal wall. This method is used for women who have undergone radiation therapy. The initial surgery is performed under general anesthetic and takes about 4 hours. Six months after the procedure, an additional 30 minute surgery is required to fashion the nipple, also often from the patient’s own tissue or by means of tattooing.

Tissue Expander Method: A tissue expander is implanted in the chest wall in a 1-hour procedure performed under general anesthetic. The expander is gradually inflated with fluid over 6 to 12 weeks to allow the skin of the chest wall to stretch to achieve the desired size. Dr. Weinberg performs a second surgery about 6 months later to place the breast implant. This use of breast implants is much like with the breast augmentation procedure. After another 6 months, a subsequent procedure is again required to fashion a nipple from tissue or by means of tattooing.

As with all surgical procedures, there are possible complications that can occur with breast reconstruction. Potential complications specific to your surgery will be discussed in detail at your consultation. For a discussion of general risks of surgery, review Dr. Weinberg’s Your First VisitYour First Visit page.

Breast Reconstruction Cost in Mississauga & Toronto

In Mississauga and Toronto, breast reconstruction surgery is usually covered under OHIP; therefore, the surgery is performed in hospital at Trillium Health Centre where Dr. Weinberg currently serves as Chief of Plastic Surgery at Trillium Health Partners and previously served as Division Head of Plastic Surgery for more than 15 years. You can discuss this with Dr. Weinberg during your consultation.

After Your Procedure

When using the autologous method, patients report that they can typically return to work in 4 to 6 weeks, and when using the tissue expander method, recovery generally takes about 1 to 2 weeks.

Dr. Weinberg will discuss and answer questions about specific possible side effects and complications in detail during your consultation.

Dr. Weinberg does not endorse or lend his name to any specific product, medication, or device. The information on this page is meant to familiarize prospective patients with some of the commonly available treatments/products and devices in use for specific issues and is intended for general educational purposes only. Decisions regarding treatments in a specific patient must be made in the context of a medical consultation.

Dr. Michael Weinberg

Dr. Michael J. Weinberg


As an experienced, Royal-College certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Weinberg is devoted to helping patients reach their cosmetic goals. For over 25 years, he has built a reputation as one of the best plastic surgeons in Mississauga through expertise, experience, and dedication to his patients.

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Request Your Consultation

To learn more about breast reconstruction surgery, call our office at  (905) 273-3045 (Mississauga) or (416) 207-9090 (Toronto) or request an appointment online. Dr. Weinberg looks forward to meeting with you and helping you achieve your aesthetic goals.

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